The Problem of Evil III

The Problem of Evil III

If god allows evil for a reason, why wouldn’t he tell us what it is?

It seems that God would let us know why he allowed so much evil if he existed and had good reasons for allowing it. Not doing so might cause unnecessary suffering, doubt, and uncertainty among believers. This can be turned into an argument against God’s existence.

The Problem of Evil II

The Problem of Evil II

Why your headache constitutes evidence against god’s existence

What if there are some great goods which can only be achieved by allowing some evils? Due to this objection to the logical argument from evil, attention has shifted from logical or deductive arguments to evidential arguments from evil…

The Problem of Evil I

The Problem of Evil I

Does your headache disprove god’s existence?

The argument from evil is perhaps the strongest and most compelling argument against God’s existence. It is part of the debate on the problem of evil, the attempt of reconciling God’s existence with that of tremendous suffering and evil. The argument from evil is intended to show that…